I was going to begin by apologising for it being EIGHT WEEKS since my last post here, but then I thought better of it.
There's absolutely NO need to apologise for my being human.
I may be a trained life coach and counsellor, yet first and foremost I am a human, with all that that encompasses.
Just like you I have the urge to give and to receive love;
Just like you, I am hurt by unkindness towards me;
Just like you there are days when I'm feeling so crushed by what life has dealt me it feels like I can barely breathe, let alone support another person through their life's turmoil;
Just like you, I grieve great losses;
Just like you, I bleed when I'm cut;
Just like you I need to be loved and supported;
Just like you, I GROW with each blow.
If today all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you.
FOCUS -GROW- CHANGE #katherinedalelife #justlikeyou #beinghuman #growwitheachblow #youvegotthis