And we ALL want to be happy, don't we? Controlling what we're thinking about is KEY to our happiness, yet in my experience, controlling our thoughts is often just about as easy as trying to count the number of bees in a swarm! Not very! It takes a special kind of discipline in mindfulness to be able to control our own thoughts, yet I can assure you IT IS POSSIBLE. 'Practice makes perfect'. Pay close attention to your thoughts today. If you find yourself thinking about something unhelpful or upsetting then STOP. Try distracting yourself with a new focus or activity and actively CHOOSE to think about something more uplifting. The more you do this, the easier it will become.... honestly. Disclaimer: If you are facing greif or a loss of some kind then of course you will be FAR from happy and the process of greiving and upset must be allowed to play out in it's fullness. Greiving is exhausting, yet necessary. I personally have found that putting boundaries on my greiving has been a helpful tool. In my darkest days I would allow 3 days of solid greiving, with a view to things feeling lighter again before the next dip. Over time, the sad days are able to be reduced and the 'silver-linings' start to show themselves. Ultimately, EVERY one of our life experiences leads us to growth and to change.They have led us to become who we are today. Join me today by choosing to hold on to happiness and joy and let go of sadness and upset. ❤🌱❤🌱❤ #katherinedalelife #growth #greiving #happiness #development #mindfulness #overcomer #happier #keeponkeepingon #choosejoy #youvegotthis #liveyourbestlife
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Live YOUR best life!
Katherine Dale
May 19, 20232 min read
Make life count...
This topic KEEPS on coming up for us! I think it's safe to say that we've all heard the expression 'live like it's your last day', yet there
Katherine Dale
May 18, 20231 min read
If you NEED a holiday then CHANGE your life...
When I was in my 20s, a wise man I worked with said to me,
"If you NEED a holiday, then CHANGE YOUR LIFE!"
These words re
Katherine Dale
May 16, 20232 min read
Be kind to unkind people...🤔
"Oh really?! Not a CHANCE!" I hear you cry!
That was also my first reaction to this, and so that's exactly why I've chosen it.
Re-read the
Katherine Dale
Feb 9, 20231 min read
You MADE it through! 👊😁
THIS!!!!!Please remember that YOU. ARE. AMAZING....AND YOU SURVIVED AND OVERCAME!!!❤️🌱❤️🌱❤️😁👊💪🎶🎉🎉🎉#katherinedalelife #growth...
Katherine Dale
Jan 9, 20231 min read
TODAY is a day to GROW!
This really resonated with me today.
EVERY day is a day to GROW and to LEARN!
#katherinedalelife #personaldevelopment #everydays
Katherine Dale
Dec 31, 20221 min read
"Happy New Year".... EVERY day!
"Happy New Year".... EVERY day! It may be the beginning of a new calender year tomorrow, yet please remember that we can all 'begin...
Katherine Dale
Dec 7, 20221 min read
Just Let Them
“Just Let them."
If they want to choose something or someone over you, LET THEM.
If they want to go weeks without talking to you, LET THEM.
Katherine Dale
Oct 7, 20221 min read
Peace begins with YOU and I
Yup, it's THAT simple! If you're one of the many people who are forever complaining about authorities and other people's responses to...
Katherine Dale
Sep 6, 20221 min read
Life's lessons
Well! This is a good way to look at things don't you think?! It's probably not our 'go-to' response when someone insults or betrays us, yet
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