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Be kind to unkind people...🤔

Writer's picture: Katherine DaleKatherine Dale

"Oh really?! Not a CHANCE!" I hear you cry!

That was also my first reaction to this, and so that's exactly why I've chosen it.

Re-read the words several times over and let them really sink in.

"Be kind to unkind people; they need it the most."

I can think of several times in my life where I've been abused and called names, slandered, and yelled at for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure my consistent response was to be shocked to the core and left feeling as though I had been physically attacked. My next thoughts were nowhere close to showing them ANY form of kindness! In fact, I would be delighted to never be in their company EVER again!

This post has caused me to look more deeply at the situations that have affected me and to realise that unkindness and vitriolic attacks CANNOT come from a person who is kind and loving. It's simply not possible because it's not inside a kind person. Have I ever cited anyone else and dumped insult and abuse on them? No, I have not, because I'm a kind person and it's not how I behave. (Don't get me wrong, though. I WILL reflect back and question ALL that you are attacking me with!) Verbally abusive people are, in my opinion, the most disgusting type of people, yet I've never taken time out to really think about why they thought it would be a good thing to do. Perhaps they DO need kindness the most if their life experiences have led them to believe that being unkind is OK? This one is most definitely a work in progress for me! Hopefully, you have some kindness for the hateful amongst us...... we certainly do need to share more kindness around, yet right now I think I'd prefer to share it with the needy and with other kind folk. Maybe one day I'll be able to respond with kindness and perhaps with pity when the next episode is unleashed upon me? I'd love to hear your thoughts......


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